September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I am putting together a "12 box" for my son, who is only 3 years old at the moment. And this is a tradition on my side of the family. Where when a child turns 12, they get to open a large box that over the years of their life has been filled with different coming of age or significant or just cool things by the parents. I've decided to put in a few survival stories about coming of age and what not. That impacted me in an extreme way. I've got them listed below, and would appreciate comments, feedback, and additional suggestions.

    Growing up, I read 3 standout stories about survival and facing the wilderness and your own demons that, at the risk of sounding cliche, changed my life. They are –

    1: Hatchet (No suprise here)

    2: Island of the Blue Dolphins

    3: Touching Spirit Bear

    I could not recommend these books more. I'm curious though, if there are other similar tales out there that had a significant impact on you and what you recommend.

    Thanks so much.

    by Scribblebonx

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