September 2024
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    Help me get back into reading
    I used to love love love reading when I was younger.
    Devour books and read constantly. Since Covid though, my anxiety spiked and even though it seems under control I'm having a hard time staying locked in enough to get through a book. Any ideas for getting back into reading?
    Some books I loved reading (and I know it's a bit all over the place) : anything Neil Gaimen, Jasper Fforde, I liked Harry Potter and Hunger Games.
    I also loved classics especially Russian literature but I think these are harder to just jump into, which is why I mention the fantasy ones first.
    I don't tend to do well with historical fiction. I didn't mind reading some beach read types like Emily Henry books, but not all of them can keep my attention.
    Thanks in advance.

    by Ill_Condition_8193

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