September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Ive recently started to read books again and ive been loving it more and more. Years ago inused to read fantasy fictions but that doesn’t interest me anymore. Ive read a lot of autobiographies recently (or whatever you call them) and ive gotten some nice stories and lessons out of them. Now i’m looking for something more, inspired by lawrence of arabia ive started to read his book and really like it, i like to learn things from books. Indont want to learn fun facts or things you can say at a party that make you look smart. I want to read books that make you look at the world differently, give me more knowledge, make me behave differently, speak different or change my life a bit. Its really hard for me to explain this. I’m studying at a university now so i’m ding quite a bit of reading allready but its always focussed on something academical or factual. Does anyone have any recommendations, i dont really care if its fictional or non fictional. Just books that can do the things i stated.
    I doesnt need to be a self help book, i feel like fixtional stories can do the same if not better job at carrying those messages.

    by VegetableCurrency148

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