September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    i understand it’s a broad question but can you guys suggest me books(fiction,non-fiction,knowledgeable etc) that can get me more involved into reading cause i have a horrible attention span and have a hard time keeping up with reading books before abandoning them and also i feel like dropping books cause i encounter many words that i may not know which interrupts my visual imagination of the book so any tips for that will be very helpful, thank you in advance.

    by reservedblueberry


    1. The Hobbit. It’s a children’s book so you shouldn’t have a hard time with it. It’s a classic and one of the books from my childhood that really made me fall in love with reading.

    2. The little prince – short and easy, but still it’s a profound and really fun book with a surprising amount of depth, and I think it’s a great example of what fiction can also be, if you’re a bit stuck on books that feel like they “need effort from you” to enjoy or even just get through them.

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