July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello – thank you for reading. I am looking for a book that specifically discusses binge orders and bulimia and how I can support someone suffering from this.

    My sister is naturally very thin, beautiful, successful adult and has been in therapy for years for this. The consensus among experts is to “not discuss” it with her and she will come to us for help. However I am now becoming angry that she is hurting the person I love the most (herself) and am having trouble accepting when she acts out due to hunger, and feel like I personally am not allowed to exist next to her eating disorder because we are all afraid for her.

    She has been to the hospital many times and I don’t understand this at all. For context I am aware that it is an addiction, I am a recovered drug addict who had only myself (no family sympathy) to save myself, whereas she has infinite support and resources and yet still does this to herself.

    The anger resulting from my confusion is ruining / has ruined our relationship and I miss her more than anything and want to help her more than anything. This is breaking me and I need support. Thank you for reading this.

    by i-judge-hippos


    1. Wasted by Marya Hornbacher. It’s an autobiography on anorexia and bulimia, and she truly drives home the inner voices of an eating disorder.

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