September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    So I used to read quite a lot but with some long-covid brain fog I gotten out of the habit and kind of unsure what to read next. Sometimes I'm in the mood for something in particular, order it from the library, and by the time it arrives I've lost the mood lol. Fickle. Anyway, here are some books I've read in the past year or two that I've enjoyed, hopefully that helps:

    • PG Wodehouse generally but Jeeves series in particular. Easy reading, funny, just great!
    • Classic fiction like Thomas Hardy (Tess of the D'urbervilles left me an emotional wreck though so… maybe nothing quite like that), Jane Austen, love Oscar Wilde (have read Dorian Grey and the Importance of being Earnest). Evelyn Waugh's Brideshead Revisted was great.
    • Good autobiographies. Recently really enjoyed Edward Snowden's.
    • The LOTR's and Tolkien in general is my favourite. I tried Dune recently but couldn't get into it. I think I'm too old for it tbh. Not being snobby I'm just probably not the target audience.
    • I also enjoy "post-apocalyptic" and dystopian fiction like 1984, etc.
    • Recently tried The Epic of Gilgamesh in an attempt to try some older classic world literature but didn't enjoy it… Have read two of Dostoyevsky's books – not a fan, but I really liked the few short stories of Tolstoy I've read. Not ready for his longer works though!! Also didn't enjoy The Metamorphosis by Kafka.
    • If you're familiar with Scott Hahn, anything by him.
    • Really enjoyed 12 years a slave and Frederik Douglas' autobiography.

    I think I could be in the mood for some easy to read, engaging non-ficition. Maybe history, autobiography/biography.

    Thank you!

    by salty-bois

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