September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hey, I just to ask if anyone has any book recs that are slow paced! I've already searched the sidebar but it's mostly slow burn that comes up. (Or something about slow readers- which I am not) I don't particularly want a slow burn and don't care for romance but as long as the book is slow also, I don't care 🙂 I absolutely love it when authors get into the details of a scene like the dew on leaves and how it looked and the smoothness of a sidewalk, etc etc. It makes me feel like I'm there. I don't care too much for action, I just love good writing. To give you an idea- so far I'm reading The Secret History and I love it- its very descriptive and slow, and I'm reading House of Leaves. If you've read John Muir's writing, he is also a great example of this. So if anyone knows anything similar let me know please and thank you 🙂

    by kiwidirtystyles

    1 Comment

    1. The Nations Rage by Kylian Gates is fabulous and begins with a very slow descriptive first 100-200 pages before the pace shifts.

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