July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I finished this book a few weeks ago, and I found it good enough to read (like a C), but I can’t for the life of me remember how it ended.

    >!So the group was approaching the hole, and the Russian guy was nearly dead from an infection, I think. The girl was dead, the sadsack guy was doggedly pursuing the hole, and the other guy was still alive but his leg was fucked.!<

    Help me remember what the finale of this story was, with as much detail as you care to provide.

    by ApocalypseSpokesman


    1. Didn’t the sad sack just see that it was nothing (or he didn’t understand) and leave?

      Tbh all of the Fractalverse stuff has been pretty disappointing. I think this was better than To Sleep, but it’s just Like the most surface level philosophical discussion and annoying characters

    2. This is a guy who wrote his first successful novel at 9, and it was successful not because it was good, but because he was 9. He has the ‘participation trophy’ of writing careers.

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