I wanted suggestion for a book talking about what kind of attitude or behaviour do people have and what politics they use to handle people, get to know them and how to talk or convince someone.
As it's different for introverts and extroverts, so I always thought how do people judge others, it maybe just intuition or observing their behaviour or just a vibe check. I don't understand vibe check at all, it seems very fake, what if the person is actually good you can't just judge if your vibe doesn't match with others. It's more like you want attention from them but they are not giving so u ignore them as not vibing with you. Also convincing others is a skill, I want to know how to do it with people of different profession and attitude. And also how to handle people who frustrates you and annoy you but you can't really start a fight blaming everything on them
by OnlyAssistant8185