November 2024
    M T W T F S S

    TLDR: I'm looking for suggestions on a fun/funny mystery book with a good bit of action that either includes (a) witty character(s) or is written in a witty way. I'll be listening to it as an audiobook, in case that helps, but I'm more than happy to roll the dice on the audiobook living up to the hard copy, so don't let that limit what you're willing to suggest.

    Here's more detail than is likely necessary, just in case some of it sparks a thought for anybody… The crux of the matter is that I listen to audiobooks while I go on long runs. I'd like something that's enough of a "page-turner" (that's an audiobook joke) on a macro level so I'll want to keep listening and want to know what happens next. I also want it to contain enough action to keep me engaged on a micro level so I don't get distracted by other thoughts (it's a real pain to try to rewind while running).

    Lastly, I don't want anything too much in the horror/thriller realm because I typically go on these runs early in the morning (like 'still dark out and running with a headlamp' early) so I'd like to avoid giving my brain too much extra incentive to get freaked out over weird shadows or invent scary things that could be lurking just beyond the beam of light provided by my headlamp. My heart will be racing enough as it is! (That's a running joke)

    I feel like I've painted myself into a very narrow corner of overlapping subgenres, so hopefully this subreddit likes a good challenge!

    Cheers, and thanks in advance!

    by FootballAnalytics


    1. Check these out, maybe something will appeal, they vary but I think they suit what you’re looking for. I listened to them.

      The [DCI Logan]( series by J. D. Kirk

      The [Miss Fortune]( series by Jana DeLeon

      The [Stephanie Plum]( series by Janet Evanovich.

      The [Convergence]( series by Craig Alanson.

    2. NeckBeardtheTroll on

      Travis McGee blocks by John D. Macdonald. They all have colors in the title, starting with, iirc, Deep Blue Goodbye. You can read them out of order, but they do occasionally reference something from a previous book. The character is a philosophizing boat bum who retrieves stolen loot for people and gets in lots of scrapes. Well written.

    3. Maybe {Vera Wong’s Unsolicited Advice for Murderers} by Jesse Q. Sutanto.

      It’s clever, humorous, warm, and has some mystery. The audio version is very good.

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