September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    After becoming overwhelmed reading through many subs, I thought I would post my own question. I enjoy chick-lit/rom-com books. I am ok with a bit of spice but definitely lean more closed door as I’m more about the build up and don’t like when the spice is there just for the sake of spice.

    My daughter is 16 and I’m looking for book recs we could share which is why I’m looking more closed door. My own preference and she seems to prefer that as well. Open to YA or Adult but prefer Adult for things we might both read. I like your typical male/female romance, she may be into fantasy and historical suggestions as well as typical romance, possibly LGBTQ+ she would be open to as well. Some rom-com movies she likes include 10 Things I hate About You, The Devil Wears Prada and Confessions of a Shopaholic if that helps at all.

    Looking for suggestions that we could share, also open to suggestions just for her. Holiday options welcomed as I like to pick up one or two starting in the Fall! So many times I get a book and then get hit with spice and it’s either too much for me or def not something I can share with her lol.

    Thanks for your help! I look forward to reading your suggestions!

    by lightweight1979

    1 Comment

    1. Acceptable_Rule_7590 on

      The Dead Romantics by Ashley Poston

      There’s one scene towards the end where they get a little hot and heavy but there are no sex scenes. It’s also got ghosts, so could be good for the fall! It’s a very sweet book.

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