September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I'm trying to put together a list of books that use this concept, where kids (teenagers included) go off by themselves and create their own mostly-adult-free world. For instance, in Swallows and Amazons when the Walker kids camp on the island and become explorers and pirates, the adults in their own world, while their parents become foreigners that occasionally visit. It could be real, imaginary, or a mix. I'm open to any books that might fit this concept, even if loosely. (I'm assembling a Shepherd for Authors list.)

    Titles I have so far:

    • Private Owens: A George Owens Novel
    • Swallows and Amazons
    • The Adventures of Huckleberry Fin
    • The Innocent by John Peel
    • Lord of the Flies

    I've also considered Homestuck, but that's a web comic and not a book. The Ascendance series came to mind, but that's about teenagers taking leading roles in the normal adult world, so it doesn't count.

    by jackadven

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