September 2024
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    I’m going to be moving to Japan. I’d like to read a Japanese story. A contemporary novel.

    Something that is not too heavy or mentally taxing, since I’m already trying to learn my 7th language.

    by FrauAmarylis


    1. Out, by Natsuo Kirino. Also, Grotesque by the same author is meant to be good but I haven’t read it

      Lady Joker (Parts 1 & 2), by Kaoru Takamura

    2. dondeestalalechuga on

      Some of my favourites by contemporary Japanese authors:

      Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murata

      All the Lovers in the Night be Meiko Kawakami

      Strange Weather in Tokyo by Hiromi Kawakami

      Lonely Castle in the Mirror by Mizuki Tsujimura

      Kitchen by Banana Yoshimoto (this was written in 1988 so not sure if you’d categorise it as contemporary, but it’s very good)

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