September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    looking for fictional books that creatively uses "the dark side of beauty" as an all around theme! could be self, societal views, how it impacts characters' lives, etc! the more unhinged the better lol

    by oreosluts


    1. Acceptable_Rule_7590 on

      If I Had Your Face by Frances Cha

      Doesn’t fall into the “unhinged” category, but tackles the dark side of South Korea’s beauty standards and obsession with plastic surgery

    2. Key_Raisin_13 on

      Natural beauty by Ling Ling Huang – a woman starts working for a beauty company – things gets very unhinged. Lot of trigger warnings for body horror.

    3. MellowMoidlyMan on

      North of beautiful by Justina Chen – YA, been awhile since I read it but I remember enjoying it

      Beauty Queens by Libba Bray – YA, silly yet somewhat dark satire

    4. SpecialKnits4855 on

      {{Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie}} is about a Nigerian woman who questions what beauty means for a Black woman.

    5. TrafficInitial7521 on

      Mona Awad has a couple of books in that vein, Rogue and 13 Ways of Looking at a Fat Girl

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