September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    My half brother is in first grade and dealing with a lot, including his mom having stage 4 cancer and his best friend (only maybe?) going to another school this year. He is pretty willing to give things a try, but is just a bit socially awkward. Example, kids are playing wall ball and they invited him yesterday to play. Today he wants to play, but stands on the side awkwardly giggling because he doesn’t know how to jump in. In class the teacher says he’s making sounds while she is talking which she said as a class they are working on. When my dad talked with him about it, he said “I’m just trying to fit in”… breaks my heart! He’s so sweet but he’s also REALLY tall. I suspect he has ADHD (as both my dad and stepmom do) so has some of that silly impulsiveness young boys get.

    My dad and I were talking about ways to support him and I suggested books! I’m a former teacher, but am struggling to come up with books! Thinking of books that help teach him how to ask to play, how to be confident in playing with others, what types of things to talk about, etc.

    This is my list so far:
    We Don’t Eat Our Classmates
    Gustavo the Shy Ghost
    Meesha Makes Friends
    Teach your dragon to make friends

    The Kids' Book of Friends: How to Make Friends and Be a Friend

    by mariarosaporfavor

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