September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I'm not sure but I think Kushner has invented a new kind of fiction. It's not prose, although it looks enough like prose to pass. And it's not poetry, although a skilled reviewer could make the claim plausible. I'm not sure. I don't know enough about literature.
    She's quite assured, though. She doesn't quite reach the marmoreality of Woolf, but on the other hand she's not going for that. She apparently has an unswerving determination to chart her own path down the mountain, and just like a cow with no respect for yellow lines on the ground, the fact that a path from A to B has already been laid out is not on her list of priorities.
    I dunno. I liked it. I do kinda wonder though: if I were to put the text on the door of an enormous refrigerator, using the one-word magnets you can get, and scrambled the text completely, would the overall effect be different?
    It's interesting.

    by tolkienfan2759

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