September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I used to read all the time growing up but lost the interest as I have gotten older but want to get back into it again. I’ve always been a sucker for a series. I’m a big gamer and love watching/streaming series. I tend to lean high fantasy or sci-fi. Growing up I was always in love with the Agatha Christie vibe of “who done it’s”. I’ve tried the GOT series after loving the shows but they seem too daunting for me at this point. Any recommendations are appreciated!

    by bfox79_


    1. Scarlet_Dreaming on

      Try Steve McHugh’s Hellequin series, not high fantasy but based on your post you might enjoy them.

      Or for something high fantasy Evan Winter’s the Rage of Dragons is excellent.

    2. Stuart Turton’s books might be a good fit for you – the mystery elements are well thought out and there supernatural elements too, which I won’t expand on as it might be a sort of spoiler! But each of his books is a standalone story and he definitely doesn’t do ‘writing by numbers’.

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