September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Im looking for a book that gives me the same feeling that the movie Interstellar did. An emotional story set in an immense setting such as Space. In particular, I enjoy the aspect of being light years away from Earth. Project Hail Mary did this well for me, but I’m craving something more fantasy and less hard sci fi. Stories like Halo, Dune and the Enders Game series are also favorites of mine.

    by sportsfan2000xx


    1. The Last Watch by J. S. Dewes

      To Be Taught If Fortunate by Becky Chambers. Shorter, but really captures the sense of loneliness of being a small crew on a ship very far from Earth.

      Helix by Eric Brown. I’m currently reading this and it sounds like what you describe so far.

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