September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello everybody, I am currently building up my collection of books (currently at 406) and I happen to live in western sydney Australia, and live right next to a river, and during summer, it gets EXTREMELY humid, so I've had a couple issues with mold on nooks in the past, so I've been looking at getting a dehumidifier, but I want to make sure I get a good one, and I would like to know more about how I can take care of my books better

    So if anyone here is able to suggest a good dehumidifier that would be great

    And if you know more about the delicacies of book care, and how to prevent future issues of other sorts, please share I would love to learn what everyone here has to know, whether it just suggestion for like the metal corner protectors, or similar things

    The only thing I will avoid is plastic covering and contact covering them, I just hate the feeling and sensation of it in my hands

    by Accomplished_Ad8904

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