September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi guys, I hope I'll find help in looking for good horror novels about deep space, christianity (biblical apocalypse, hell and heaven, something objective, and not forcing religion on me) and conspiracy theories turning out to be real.

    ALSO would love to hear about non-guide books that potentially would help me becoming a writer thxxxxx, yk the "read to write" rule.

    Side note: I love books where things we think we know turn out to be something completely different and potentially dangerous, like in a plot where sun starts turning people into zombies or shit.

    by GayHagFromOuterSpace

    1 Comment

    1. MisfitMaterial on

      I don’t think it quite hits the deep space angle so apologies about that, but I still think you might like _Our Share of Night_ by Mariana Enriquez for the rest of your request.

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