July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Ever since I finished the Riordanverse, I’ve been searching for the same high but I just can’t seem to scratch the itch for something like it.

    I mostly want to read just something adventurous like Percy Jackson & The Olympians or Harry Potter; even better if the series shows the characters growing up like the two I listed. Learning about magic and all things fantastical is just a great experience. I also love a good romance subplot. I think PJO had the perfect amount of romance for my preference, with it being very clearly present but not the main focus of the story. Whether it be set in the medieval age or it’s more modern doesn’t matter to me as long as it’s fantasy.

    Preferably no grim or dark stories as I’ve already had my fair share of those, though I don’t mind emotional moments (I actually do love them, PJO made me cry and melt several times). Any and all suggestions are appreciated!

    by Brazenn_Confirmed


    1. Charlie Bone by Jenny Nimmo and the Old Kingdom series by Garth Nix were two other favourites when I was reading PJO and HP when I was younger!

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