September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m wanting so badly to read of a love that is so profound it leaves me thinking for days. I’ve always appreciated relationships in media, platonic or otherwise, where it feels as though their survival was reliant on the other. Or like their love was so deep they damned themselves. Or even that their love was so strong they spent aeons enjoying each other’s company. It can be sweet or sad. As long as it’s fiction and has this level of love in it I will check it out. My only request is that it doesn’t contain a lot of smut as I don’t read much myself. I am also totally willing to accept books where I’ve got to read between the lines if that makes sense. Thanks for any recs!

    by Idkwhattheheckiam


    1. The Time Traveler’s Wife, maybe. That one lingers in my memory, especially the last chapter.

    2. The a court of thorns and roses series has a few of these relationships.

      The first book is not my favorite but it sets up the relationships of the main characters. A bit sexy but not too much. Teen romance novels. Easy reads, fun stories.

    3. “Heaven” by Mieko Kawakami
      I am a slow reader. I just love to enjoy every single word of a book, so my reading list is not that much long. But I am really enjoying this book. Maybe there are much more better one out there, but among all of those I read so far, this one will definitely be in the top.

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