I'm on my comp hunt and have been reading as much as I can to find books similar to the one I'm writing, but I'd like some more pointed recommendations! Hopefully you lovely folks can help me out!
I'm looking for Fantasy (ideally High/Epic Fantasy, but Urban Fantasy works too) books that have been released recently, preferably in the last 5 years. Themes I'm looking for are around prophecy, chosen ones, determinism and people breaking free of these constraints to choose their own paths. Ideally is packed with dragons too! If possible, I'd like the books to be traditionally published, although I'm not very picky.
I just finished the Natural History of Dragons series and Turning Darkness into Light, and will be reading The Fireborne Blade and The Bloodborn Dragon next. Previously I've read the Songs of Chaos series, The Ruin of Kings and The Waking Fire.
Thanks in advance!
by cravewing