September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I read really only fiction and I’ve seen this in a few of my recent reads and slowly becoming one of my favorite tropes. Can be talking or not talking animals. Here are two examples:

    Tres of the Emerald Sea by Brandon Sanderson

    Quicksilver by Callie Hart

    by Kitkat8131


    1. Immediate_Nothing74 on

      Ok this is a WILD recommendation but “We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves” by Karen Joy Fowler. Definitely an unusual animal companion novel but it’s a lot of fun.

    2. *The Farseer Trilogy* by Robin Hobb, I’ve read it loooong ago so I don’t remember too much, unfortunately, but I’m sure there was an animal companion, not so sure if in the first book though.

    3. Paramedic229635 on

      Garth Nix The Old Kingdom series have both a cat and dog companion. The first book in the series is Sabriel.

      Small Gods by Terry Pratchett. The companion is a tortoise.

    4. wifeunderthesea on

      [**The Golden Compass** by Phillip Pullman](

      this is not only exactly what you are looking for, but is the **ONLY** book that i have ever read that i consider to be PERFECT. i first read this in my 30s and was blown away by this sweeping, transports-you-to-another-world tale.

      i cannot recommend this one enough. PLEASE give this book a chance! if i could only recommend ONE book that everyone would read just once, it would be and will always be this one.

      (this is book #1 in the **His Dark Materials** trilogy and may go by **Northern Lights** depending on where in the world you are).

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