September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I enjoyed PKD’s Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep in that it was a page-turner for me but it was super bleak and ended as though the author loosened all the threads of his story and pressed release.

    I love The Murderbot Diaries. In the past I’ve read The Vorkosigan Saga (tried hard but it wasn’t for me) and work by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller (hit or miss but reminded me of Firefly at times).

    Not into Becky Chambers and I’m not looking for something about robots specifically, just something engaging, riveting and smart. Would prefer no SA’s or sexual scenes. I prefer books without romance. Not looking for magic or fantasy.

    by Neon_Aurora451

    1 Comment

    1. **Project Hail Mary**

      Similar-ish writing tone/style to the Murderbot Diaries (i.e. very casual/readable) but it’s a better story that didn’t have the annoying Murderbot tense switches.

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