September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I am academically curious about the spread of bad ideas and their impact on history. I am also convinced that good people need to educate themselves about bad ideas in order to combat them.

    Thus, I want to dive into the dark corners of literature. Please suggest to me the worst books ever by the worst people in history.

    I will go first:

    Mein Kampf -Hitler
    The Green Book -Gaddafi
    Protocols of the Elders of Zion -Nilus

    by lil_cleverguy


    1. patch_gallagher on

      Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand, though I couldn’t bear to read it after sludging my way through The Fountainhead, which was awful in both it morality and execution.

    2. charactergallery on

      Not books, but Garrett Hardin’s essays ‘The Tragedy of the Commons’ and ‘Lifeboat Ethics: The Case Against Helping the Poor’ are up there.

      ‘Inquires into Human Faculty and Its Development’ by Francis Galton, the man who is credited for formulating the term “eugenics.”

      ‘The Population Bomb’ by Paul and Anne Ehrlich.

      ‘An Essay on the Principle of Population’ by Thomas Malthus.

    3. Former-Chocolate-793 on

      The Courage to Heal convinced a large number of people that they had been abused.

    4. Forward_Raccoon_2348 on

      Hitler by Ian Kershaw.

      The diary of Anne Frank

      You kind of know what is coming but it’s one of those necessity reads that is needed to help preserve those poor Jews and others memories to show that they didn’t die in vain 🙁

      It is a difficult read, I’d suggest that you are in a good mental state to read this

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