September 2024
    M T W T F S S


    1. I’ve put hundreds of books on Goodreads but find its recommendations to always be bad. Instead I use a variety of other websites. I have found the website useful. I don’t know what genre you read so I’m not sure if anything I use would be useful to you.

    2. I have a sub list of favorites on Goodreads. Using that to get recommendations gets a little better results, but still not spectacular.

    3. I’ve never used Goodreads but everyone I’ve spoken to about it says that they don’t like the way Goodreads recommends books, and a lot of them who have other friends that also use it say they always end up seeing the same books that their friends are seeing regardless of book taste.

      My suggestion is to second what someone else already said which is to use a different website if you’d like better recommendations. I personally use StoryGraph. There is a Reading Preferences survey you can fill out and then edit at any time if your books tastes change or you’re just in the mood for something different. They will also recommend books based on your recent reads and based on what similar uses have loved. I’ve found a lot of books that I ended up loving through them.

    4. I think the goodreads recommendations are terrible. It has several years of my reading history and I still get really bad recommendations.
      I am hopeful AI recommendation engines become a thing soon, because I would be interested in those results.

      I have been trying to figure out a really good way to find books I like after a really mediocre reading year back in 2021. After a few years of trying different things, I think I have found a good method. If you are interested, let me know and I’ll post it.

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