September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I find myself increasingly frustrated with YA books with a romance in the background. It often follows a very predictable line and I'm fed up with the idea that every main character has to have a love interest.
    I'm looking for something that stands out as having a different, unpredictable plot, preferably without romance as a side plot unless it is very well written. Any suggestions? Thanks

    by PiccoloInfinite8613


    1. Wild_Preference_4624 on

      I’m an adult now, but I remember feeling the exact same when I was a teen. I ended up mostly sticking with middle grade books because those were much less romance heavy. (It turned out that I was aromantic, but I didn’t know that at the time 😅)

      Are you open to middle grade books too, or are you specifically looking for YA books?

    2. RyanDaltonWrites on

      It’s been a while since I read it, but I don’t recall the Reckoners series by Brandon Sanderson having much romance in it. Same for The Islands at the End of the World by Austin Aslan.

    3. Past-Wrangler9513 on

      Beartown by Fredrik Backman. I think it’s not technically YA because it has multiple POVs and some are adult characters but I would have loved it as a teen (still loved it as an adult) and it’s usually my go-to recommendation for anyone who feels like they’re outgrowing YA.

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