September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    If you're a dirty liberal! Which I am.

    Obviously Hillbilly Elegy is dominating but there are worse offenders on the list.

    Shepherds for Sale by Megan Basham says evangelical preachers are supporting "social justice" and getting worried about "climate change" which is all apparently a bad thing.

    Progressively Worse by Joe Concha is also upset about progress. Spouting transphobic shit and complaining about the dang youth with purple hair!!

    The War on Warriors by Pete Hegseth seems to only be upset on behalf of males in the Armed Forces sinces he uses the word "men" in the subtitle and uses the word a bajillion other times. He misses killing people I think.

    Unhumans by Jack Posobiec and Joshua Lisec is bringing back the Red Scare! "The old order is over".

    This is from a list of the top 13 Hardcover Nonfiction titles from Publisher's Weekly July 28-Aug 3, 2024.

    Had to vent. go ahead and argue in the comments. 🫡

    by JubilantSarcasm


    1. My understanding is a lot of right wing groups do bulk orders so they wind up on the bestseller list.

    2. So you’re starting to feel like a conservative in most Western European and North American countries most of the time now? Gotta hurt. 😔

    3. A lot of the authors listed have major time slots on Fox News and their viewership buys their books. It’s definitely echo chamber; no one is picking up those books thinking “oh what a lovely new perspective.”

    4. incrediblejonas on

      wow those books suck. maybe we should ban them? /s

      I think it’s good for people to read books that challenge their assumptions, that’s how we learn and grow. But for some reason I feel like the people buying these books are trying to validate their assumptions- I feel like their target audience is already sipping the tea they’re selling.

      Except for Hillbilly Elegy, I bet a lot of people who aren’t just conservatives are buying/reading that book to learn more about the VP nominee, which I think is a good thing.

    5. Optimal-Tune-2589 on

      According to both Publisher’s Weekly and the NY Times, the bestselling nonfiction book currently is a book by progressive podcaster Brian Tyler Cohen that appears to be about how awful the GOP is. Nancy Pelosi’s memoir is in the top five in both lists, and a book by a Rachel Maddow producer makes the top ten.

      Sure, there are conservative books that are currently selling well. There are also non-conservative books that are selling well. That’ll always happen in a country whose voting population is pretty evenly split.

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