September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    My anxiety has been SOOOOO high lately, and when I'm super anxious I can't read books, not even rereads. I need something low angst, preferably low spice with comedic relief and a happy, lighthearted romance. Example: The King's Captive by KM Shea or Shelter for a Shifter by Lauren Connolly. Something that makes me giggle with no heart-dropping scenes that'll raise my anxiety. I'm totally fine with YA, in fact would probably prefer it right now, but if not it's fine. I'd prefer standalones because series right now are just too much. Something shorter would be nice, 200-300 pages, but it's not a dealbreaker if not. Fantasy or paranormal would be optimal. I'm sorry if this is too picky, I'm just having a little anxiety freakout and need something specific. I appreciate any recs y'all have

    by Girly_Attitude

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