September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Just watched fantastic Mr Fox for the first time and it has made me a little curious about if there are many fables out there that aren’t geared toward children? I’ve read plenty of them throughout school but none really seemed like they were written for grown ups even if there was an important underlying theme? Thanks!!

    by chesterplainukool


    1. Aggravating_Rub_7608 on

      Fables, like the Grimm Fairy Tales, are not just for kids. They are morality tales, used to instruct young people (and adults) how (not) to act/behave. A large portion of the Grimm tales revolve around a step mother. Why? During the dark ages/middle ages, the mortality rate of a mother giving birth was quite high, and these tales were teaching young girls the likelihood of becoming a step mother was quite high, and these are things that are (not) to be done.

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