September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Do you have any recommendations where a magical disease spread, and killed most, and for those that survived, were granted powers, especially powers related to that disease, and are massively persecuted and or killed. Mistborn kind of fits this, in away with the Deepness, and Skaa, but is there other books like this? If possible; i’d like it to be grim, but any tone works as long it’s not children’s books. Thank you for any recommendations.

    by Revyco

    1 Comment

    1. petulafaerie_III on

      The Shepherd King duology by Rachel Gillig is somewhat like this.

      As a quick summary of its relevance: natural magic has been shunned, and in place of it are these 78 cards that each provide the user with a specific magical power. Children are susceptible to getting an illness that gives them magical powers outside of these cards, the magical ability imparted by the sickness varies from person to person and comes with a counterbalance cost. If a kid gets sick, they’re meant to be killed.

      Romance is a strong theme in the duology, so if you don’t care for that at all then it won’t suit you. But the lore and history of the world created is really thoughtful and interesting. First book is a little slow and some people don’t love the main FMC, but the second book is a rollercoaster and shifts character focus a bit.

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