September 2024
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    I would greatly appreciate help putting together a reading list for a new reader. I, myself, am an avid reader, regularly read over 50 books a year and have totaled over 500 read throughout my life. My friend says she wants to learn how to read like I do, but does not have a habit of reading. We have a book club together, but my goal is to introduce her to some incredible stories that are very short to read. Ideally, I'm hoping for less than 200 pages.

    She tends to favor Game of Thrones (high fantasy, political intrigue) genre, but also has shown interest in eastern-style stories and themes (chinese/japanese/korean). I know she enjoyed movies about spies, intrigue and intense plot twists, and is naturally drawn to characters with high intelligence (Sherlock Holmes). However, when I suggested she read a classic like Animal Farm, I actively saw her dying inside with each page she read. And I don't think she's a big romance reader, either.

    Would you lovely readers here on Reddit please suggest some books that I might be able to introduce to my friend to, hopefully, make a lifelong reader out of her?

    by Azure_August

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