September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Not disciplin, but simply books relating to controling your mind and body on a more complicated level. Powerlifters develop better control over their own muscles as they get more experienced, for example, which makes them stronger and able to lift more, Wim Hof can control his body temperature to a certain degree, some people who practice yoga can move their organs around, etc…

    I'm looking for books that teach/talk about things like that. A way to develope more direct control over your mind/thoughts/body/emotions/etc… I don't expect to find a lot on it, since the few I have found seem to mention it as an afterthought rather than it being the main focus. Anything will do though.

    EDIT: I'm not talking about supernatural/psychic levels of control, I mean books on whatever is possible scientifically in the real world.

    by vormiamsundrake

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