September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Book suggestions for someone struggling to get back into reading for fun since finishing university? I'm finding it difficult to get through anything I start reading. I think I just need to try a few fast-paced/gripping, relatively light reads to get me back into the headspace of reading for fun.

    Some of the more recent books that I have devoured were The House in the Cerulean Sea and Under the Whispering Door, both by TJ Klune (adored these), and Company of Liars and The Owl Killers, both by Karen Maitland (a bit more dense than what I'm currently looking for at the moment though).

    For genre, I enjoy history, fantasy, crime, and drama, or a combination of those. I think I'd prefer novels for now, but I'm also open to non-fiction if it matches the criteria of fast-paced/gripping and relatively light. Short story anthologies could also be good at keeping me hooked on more fast-paced narratives.

    Thanks in advance!

    by InfrognitoMode

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