September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi all,

    As the title suggests, I’m in desperate need of a book recommendation. When I graduated college a few years ago, i picked up reading and fell in love with the hobby. Since then, with work and life (etc.) i’ve been more busy and progressively my reading went from hours a day, to only at night before bed, to once a week, until eventually non existent. Every now and then I pick up a book, read a few chapters, but never get fully engrossed and end up forgetting what i read previously – leading me to give up on the book, rinse and repeat. This has happened with The Count of Montecristo, Shogun, and most recently I, Claudius.

    Books I’ve read and loved (just off the top of my head):

    • The Lonesome Dove (all books)
    • Bonfire of the Vanities
    • East of Eden
    • Red Rising Series
    • Harry Potter series
    • A Man in Full
    • The Kite Runner

    I think a longer book with concise chapters would be ideal, so i can read little bits at a time until I get in the rhythm. any recommendations to get me out of this funk are greatly appreciated!

    by SMIRTLE

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