July 2024
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    1. Royal_Basil_1915 on

      I haven’t read it yet, but *Rouge* by Mona Awad, about a beauty cult.

      *From Below* by Darcy Coates, about a dive team sent to investigate a shipwreck.

      *The Only Good Indians* by Stephen Graham Jones.

    2. Leech by Hiron Ennes. Post apocalyptic gothic horror, but set in a world where there’s very little religion. There is a “priest,” but he is called that because he lives in a church and is a keeper of old healing herb lore and folk tales, not because he provides spiritual guidance.

      Blindsight by Peter Watts. The ebook is available free on the author’s website. Cosmic horror.

      The Luminous Dead. I am currently reading this, but so far there is no religion. I’m not sure what kind of horror it is yet.

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