September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I recently got all caught up on red rising. Which I devoured.

    While I wait for the next book I need something to fill that void.

    One of my all time favorite books is American Gods.

    I’ve read I believe all of Gaiman’s books except Ocean at the end of the lane. To include Good Omens with Terry Pratchet.

    I’ve read most of Chuck Palahniuk’s books which I’ve mostly enjoyed.

    Started the Sun Eater series which is decent but not captivating me entirely.

    I tried The Library at Mont Char because I saw that recommended a lot but I just can’t seem to get through it.

    I also just finished Piranesi which was intriguing but not overly satisfying.

    What do you fine redditors recommend I try next?

    by ZBM_two


    1. portobellomonsoon on

      Check out Hyperion! One of my all-time favourites. Feels kind of similar to Neil Gaiman, a little fantastical and the characters are so well thought out

    2. freerangelibrarian on

      My favorite author of both sci-fi and fantasy is Lois Macmaster Bujold. Multiple awards in both categories.

    3. Quirky_Dimension1363 on

      Dawn by Octavia Butler. It’s one of my all time favorites. Octavia Butler was simply incredible. It has one of the most unique depictions of aliens I’ve ever read.

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