September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I'm trying to do a bookshelf purge but I'm unsure what to do with books by authors who have, since I've bought the books, been alleged to have sexually assaulted people, have been racist, transphobic, etc. I don't want them on my bookshelf as I'd feel weird about rereading them. What do you do with those kinds of books? I'd usually donate to charity shops or my local library but my concern would be that someone would pick them up and then unknowingly buy another book by them and give them money etc. Am I being too holier than thou and overthinking this?

    by reusablestarbuckscup

    1 Comment

    1. ChiefMedicalOfficer on

      Definitely overthinking this. You either separate the art from the artist or just give them away. Allow other to make their own judgements.

      Or burn them.

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