September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    i have read a lot of non fiction books before a lot of pop science books, a few self help books now i want to start reading novels i have read fiction before that would be comics and manga but never a novel recommend me a fantasy novel which is either a one off or a series which has less than 5 books unless you have a book series which is very very good then even if it 5 plus books recommened it to me

    by Fabulous_Aspect_7817


    1. Happy Birthday! Fantasy is a pretty wide-ranging genre — what are your favorite comics, manga, or TV shows? That may help narrow down some good suggestions for your specific tastes.

    2. Start with the OG – Lord of the rings, often comes as a trilogy and possibly the best book ever written.

      Bonus – it starts with a birthday party!

      Happy Birthday 🎂

    3. such-a-novel-idea on

      Not totally fantasy, but Neil Gaiman does magical realism and his books are fantastic, fast-paced, and readable. Neverwhere is one of my favorites!

      If you’re interested in sci-fi I’ve been reading Red Rising (6 books, 7th in the works). Just a flat out exciting/action filled sci-fi dystopian.

      Pure fantasy, The game of thrones series is amazing. Not difficult to read by any means (altho, all the trigger warnings)

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