July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Since 2020(ish), I’ve collected over 200 books and filed nearly three shelves on my wall. And I wouldn’t say I’m embarrassed by it, but I think the fact that a majority of those books are graphic novels and comic series is too much. So I would like some book series or novel recs similar to the comics I like! To help with recommendations, I’ll list my favourite writers and their works:

    Jeff Lemire: He writes a lot of great work that makes him the definitive writer for indie comics (Essex County, Sweet Tooth, Gideon Falls, and Descender). He has a fantastic range of telling stories with bizarre concepts to grounded and heartbreaking human stories.

    Jonathan Hickman: Worldbuilding is one of my favourite elements in storytelling, and Hickman can world-build in spades! I’d describe many of his comics (East of West, Decorum, House of X & Powers of X) as slow-burn epics, slowly setting up the pieces early on and having it all come together and pay off in the end. Absolutely my favourite writer in modern comics atm.

    Alan Moore/Grant Morrison: I adore the work of these two. Some of my favourite comics I have ever read (Saga of the Swamp Thing and From Hell by Moore, Animal Man & All-Star Superman by Morrison). Moore is very cynical and deconstructive in his writing, dealing with human nature and how magical and dark we are. Morrison can be cynical, but he leans more into optimistic themes and writes more about the greatness someone can do if they push themselves. They also like to put provocative, Metatextual, and occult stuff in their work, which is always fun.

    There are writers and comics but I can list them in the comments. Anyway appreciate whatever you guys offer!

    by omgItsGhostDog

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