September 2024
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    Hi everyone!

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    The Bogus Title, by Stephen King

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    1. Finished: **Let The Great World Spin** by Colum McCann

      **On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous** by Ocean Vuong

      Started: **Salem’s Lot** by Stephen King

    2. Finished:

      **Britt-Marie Was Here by Fredrik Backman**

      *All passion is childish. It’s banal and naïve. It’s nothing we learn, it’s instinctive, and so it overwhelms us. Overturns us. It bears us away in a flood. All other emotions belong to the earth, but passion inhabits the universe. That is the reason why passion is worth something, not for what it gives us but for what it demands that we risk. Our dignity. The puzzlement of others and their condescending, shaking heads.*


      **Artificial Condition: The Murderbot Diaries 2 by Martha Wells**

      Still reading

      **Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace**

    3. Lungbarrow, by Marc Platt

      It’s reputation in the Doctor Who fandom tends to mean that people focus on all the big important lore such as the Other and Susan and Looms but it is also a genuinely good book in it’s own right. The Doctor has come back to his ancestral home on Gallifrey to find it buried and decaying. His family are dying off, one Cousin got stuck in the chimney in search of sunlight. They could hear him dying and regenerating for days. The atmosphere of the book is impeccable.

    4. Finished: Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrel by Susanna Clarke

      Started: The Lord of the Rings by Tolkien

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