September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    It seems like a couple of decades ago, there were a lot of authors like Greg Egan, Charles Stross, Iain Banks, John C. Wright and Karl Schroeder who wrote stories in dazzlingly imaginative, often utopian futures filled with radical transhumanism. The sort of settings where a character might turn themselves into a flock of birds with networked brains as a fashion statement, where uploading your mind and duplicating it a thousand times is a normal thing that ordinary people do, where the economy is entirely post-scarcity and only people in fringe Luddite groups grow old or get sick.

    I really enjoy that kind of setting, but the most recent examples I've seen are maybe the Jean le Flambeur series or the Eclipse Phase RPG, which are both over a decade old now. Does anyone know of more recent examples? Is anyone at all still writing in that subgenre?

    by artifex0


    1. I just remembered that some of Alastair Reynolds’ novels are kind of like that, especially the Prefect Dreyfus series. So, that’s at least one recent example.

    2. funningincircless on

      I agree that Stross is cool

      kind of backwards from your request is a comedy called Brute Force by Meyer, I don’t want to spoil too much but the idea is that humans are too violent for anything but distopia, but might luck into utopia given the right circumstance

      also, Bobiverse is an enjoyable transhumanist series started in 2017

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