September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Gosh I hope the mods allow this because I trust you book lovers to help me make this choice.

    I’ve always been anti kindle because I’m just so in love with actually holding a book. I hate screens and carpal tunnel lol. Call me old school.

    3yrs ago I moved across the globe and couldn’t bring any books with me, save for 2 or 3. They’re all in my mom’s closet collecting n dust as lord knows the ppl in that house do not read. That’s when I really thought maybe it’s silly to own all these books? But I love the idea of a library my kids can rummage through, see my notes I left in each novel, etc. Yet, realistically, how would I ever get all of my books to the many countries we plan to move to and live in? We aren’t the “forever home” type of family. I’m not really into owning tons of items, we live very minimally as a family.

    Additionally, is buying so many books contributing to waste / pollution? I try to buy second hand but admittedly it’s not always possible.

    So yeah, this is my internal debate these last couple years. What do my fellow book lovers think? Also, I know there’s products similar to Kindle that may even be better. Please feel free to suggest to me any thing you think would solve my problem! And let me know if I should be aware of any downsides to Kindle type gadgets. TIA

    by 0princesspancakes0

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