September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Basically the title. I really loved this one! I read it in one sitting. Didn’t see the ending coming either which is sort of rare for me.

    Also wondering if anyone can tell me if the rest of the series is just as good? I’ve had other series ruined for me before because the 2nd or 3rd books just sucked. I loved this one so much I don’t want to ruin it.

    by Hopeful_Jello_7894

    1 Comment

    1. _14_ and _The Fold_ by Peter Clines scratch a similar itch for me. They’re the first two books in a series, but you could read them in any order. The former is about a strange apartment building in LA with suspiciously cheap rent and a lot of strange secrets, and the latter is about a government-funded project to create a teleporter, which seems to be working — though there are a few bugs.

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