September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I usually read only fantasy and romance and used to think all classics would be boring af. I also get easily absorbed into a book and not realise I spent 3 hrs reading when I should have been studying for my exams. So I had the bright idea of reading classic because that way I'll be reading something 'boring' which would prevent me from spending/wasting hours reading.

    Long story short, that didn't work and now I like classics too. I've read two of Jules Vern's books, Jane Eyre, Picture of Dorian Gray, All the Light We cannot see (dunno if this is a classic tho), and currently Carmilla.

    I want to read The Martian because I watched the movie when I was younger and loved it. I don't know if it is a classic, but reading the above mentioned books have enlightened me on the existence of other great books in different genres. But I need to know if I can read it. Not all books are my cup of tea. For example I personally did not like Picture of Dorian Gray because it felt really slow and I skipped over a few paragraphs to get it over with. I also didn't love 20 thousand leagues under the sea because it just felt really repetative but I loved Journey to the Centre of the Earth. All the other classics I read, I loved.

    TLDR: Is The Martian a good read? Is it difficult to read? What did/didn't you like about it?

    I've read countless fantasy and romance books.
    Other genre books I've enjoyed are: The DaVinci Code, The Song of Achilles, Jane Eyre, Carmilla, Journey to the Centre of the Earth, All the Light We Cannot See.

    Apologies for any errors in my writing.

    by ILuvBooks3000

    1 Comment

    1. The Martian is great and there are some slight differences from the movie. There is a lot of scientific stuff but I actually found that stuff interesting

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