September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Am looking for interesting pop science non academic biology books particularly which about microscopic, fungii or strange life forms, also about diseases, treatments, pandemics, biotechnology etc.

    by Atrahasis66


    1. * Parasite Rex by Carl Zimmer

      * Big Chicken by Maryn McKenna. About antibiotics and agriculture.

      * Plagues & Poxes by Alfred J. Bollett. This one is written in a more dry and textbook-like way, but I found it very informative.

      * Dark Banquet by Bill Schutt. About things that consume blood.

      * Your Inner Fish by Neal Shubin. About evolutionary milestones in the history of life on Earth.

      * The Ghost Map by Steven Johnson. This is a very easily readable pop science book, but it overemphasizes the simplistic narrative of one special genius who saw what no one else could. In reality, if it wasn’t him, it would have been someone else.

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