November 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I've been on reddit forums, facebook groups, and have found that more of the topics of discussion are fictional books, with less in-depth discussion of non-fiction books. I think non-fiction books can be more directly helpful to me in my work and life, and I'd like to find the right people to discuss them with.
    Is it because I haven't found the right group, or is it because the non-fiction book reading community itself is less engaged in discussion, or something else

    by WadeSong


    1. Nonfiction books are a very niche community. Even among nonfiction books, books that “read like a fiction” are way more popular e.g Lansing’s books. There aren’t really many readers for nonfiction books relative to fiction book readers and, therefore, less discussion.

      There is r/nonfictionbooks which is small but hopefully should grow in time.

    2. To start with, it’s easiest to talk about nonfiction books on sites that specialize in the book’s topic. So I can talk about presidential biographies on r/presidents, books about the Beatles on r/Beatles, Civil War history on Civil War forums, and so on.

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