September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I mentioned in a previous post that I have issues with enjoying reading and requested suggestions for books to read. I just remembered a book I did read back in College (in year 1993) I don't remember the title but I want so badly to read the book again cuz it was probably one of the first books that I actually enjoyed reading. It was a book that was assigned to us students in class and all I remember was the story was about a married couple and the husband was blind, but that was something you were supposed to figure out as the story goes because it was never out-right mentioned in the story at all and something you were supposed to figure out on your own. I hope someone can help me find the title. TIA.

    by PiccolaTempesta


    1. Ilovemywife---wink on

      I would guess you’re describing Raymond Carver’s ‘Cathedral’. It’s a short story, but was (and still may be) often assigned in college English and Lit classes. Great story!

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