September 2024
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    1. The _Gormenghast_ Trilogy takes place in the castle Gormenghast, an ancient, remote structure, largely cut off from the world, which has been slowly expanded over the course of centuries, and which has developed its own series of intricate and bizarre traditions. The physical castle itself is in many ways a central character. Among other things, it has a cat room, a bird room, a tearoom atop a giant tree growing out of one of its walls, a tower of owls where corpses are left, and numerous rooms which have been largely abandoned and forgotten.

    2. The Glass Room is a novel based on the real modernist Tugendhat Villa in Eastern Europe through out the years, especially the upheaval of WWII

      The Paris Architect is about an architect who becomes involved in redesigning rooms to his Jews in during the occupation, and is based off on a true occurrence.

      North Woods, the house is a prominent element throughout its history from colonial times to present day, but the property itself is the main character.

    3. maybemaybenot2023 on

      These were technically written for children, but the Green Knowe series by L.M. Boston takes place in a Tudor Manor that is the heart of the stories. She based on the manor she had purchased IRL and was restoring.

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